1.InterServe provides publishers with the ability to generate unlimited revenue by using our unique adserving technology to deliver advertising campaigns in a wide range of media formats. Our feature packed real time solution puts publishers in total control over the advertiser campaigns you display, whilst ensuring maximum return for your advertising inventory.
Interserver Doing Hard work for you thye provaid you high paying ads that you earn more money.
2.InterServer Provides Multiples Ads Formats
120 x 60 pixels
120 x 600 pixels
125 x 125 pixels
120 x 240 pixels
234 x 60 pixels
250 x 250 pixels Banner & Pseudo-Popup
468 x 60 pixels
720 x 90 pixels
Text Ads
Psudo Popup Text Ads
3.Simpley You Paste Ads HTMl In your site where you want to show your ad, manage your ad stats from advertising campaigns.
4.Our adserving technology will display the ads on your web site and automatically calculate which advertising campaigns are providing the maximum revenue for your inventory.
5.Our advertisers pay for each click on one of their ads, and for each click that you generate, commission will be automatically credited to your account, and paid to you each month by the method of payment that you choose.
Payment Optione-Paypal, E-gold, Alertpay
Join-Click Hear
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