Earn With Adbrite friends adbrite is good way to earn more money by pay per click system, in this site have two types of account Advertiser or Publisher with most control, best servise, higher payout according to your chosse.
For Publisher
1.Chosse Ad Formats-This site Provaid you three types of ads format
a.Text ads
b.Banner ads-without customizable layout
c.Full Page Ads-A high -paying full screen ad on the third pageview of your site, shown only once per user.
2. Attract Advertiser-Anyone visiting your site can buy an ad directly on your site by clicking “Your Ad Here.” You’ll also be listed in the AdBrite marketplace, and represented by our busy in-house sales staff.
3.Control- In this site You Can Also chosse to review each ad before it appears on your site.
You Can Also set price for ad bought directly on your site.
For Advertiser
1.Chosse Formet-Three types of ad formet avilabel hear in adbrite.
a.Text Ads-Cost per Click & Cost per action
b.Banner Ads-Cost per Thousand Impressions
c.Full Page Ads-Your Site full-screen directly in frount of your target,cost per thousand impressions
2.Chosse Your Targeting-Target customers with precision using our real-time traffic estimator.And see how much traffic you have ,based on your target criteria and place your bid.
a.Content Categories
3. Create Your Ads-You can create multipel text or banner ads. Adbrite give you variation,and help show your better performting ads more often.
4.Conversion Tracking-Adjust your bid based on the actul performance of each individual campaing, ad, and ad variation.
5. Transparency- you can see every site where your ad appeard and the exact cost associated with each click and impression.
Minimum payout is-$1.00 to $100.oo
Join-Click Hear
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