AClickcent:- Earn money with aclickcent, we are sending hundreds of targeted a automotive leads to our advertisers every month!. In these site have two types of account.
1 One is advertiser account
2 Second is publisher account
1. Advertiser: advertiser account is where you advertise your items. we offer cost per click advertiser solution so you only pay for unique visitors that have clicked on your specific ads.
Where Your Ads Apprar:- Aclickcent give you special technology to allow publishers to run your ad in multiple places with ads based on content channel.
When My Ad Run:- Your Add will appear in the Contect Channel of your choosing for as long as there is a positive balance of funds in your account.
Cost Per Click will change as needed:- Aclickcent using auto bid futuer when cpc rate incre by one cent between advertiser.
Example:- If three ads are pulled from the server with CPC rates of $0.50, $0.40, and $0.35, the system will lower the CPC rates to $0.37, 0.36, and $0.35 respectively and this great feature only we are using still no others.
Join campaign today:- And become a part of the fastest-growing online advertising network.
Strict publisher screening process
Interactive reporting interface
Optimization and targeting technology
Complimentary account management
Flexible ad format selection
Click Hear- Join
2 Publisher:- Hear Your Earn Money From AClickcent Site
Generate Revenue:- Earn up to 65 percent monthly payout on all advertising revenue your website generates!
Payment:- AClickcent Pay Your Amount every 25th of the month for the previous month by check or PayPal.
Partnership:- Our publisher member base is entirely non-exclusive (no contracts), with no duration or volume commitments required. You get paid on time for the ads you advertise, never pay serving fees or default fees, and can cancel at any time.
Customer Support:- customer support is avilabel to all publisher so Join the fastest growing online advertising network today.
Earn up to an industry-high 65-percent monthly payout
Online interactive campaign control
Free support service
No fees
No exclusivity contracts
No volume contracts
No serving charges
Cancel at any time
Click Hear- Join
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Legle way to earn money taking a simple, easy online survey - $5 to $75 per survey! Or Participating in an online focus group - $50 to $150 per hour! Or Trying out new products, everything from shoes to stereos - Keeping the products and getting paid! Or Previewing Movie Trailers Online - Then answer a yes/no questionaire (did I like it) for $12 to $35 To do any of these I: Login and see what's available Find something which pays a good amount, i.e above $20 Select one I like the look of, and click "add to list" Complete this survey, or preview the trailer etc then make sure the amount is added to my account balance. That's it, if I want I can do it again, and earn even more. I am never worried about not having enough surveys to do because there are hundreds of new surveys added daily. I could never complete all of them. And the supply of surveys will never dry up. The demand for market research is far too strong. A few years ago these companies needing customer's opinions would hold market research days. At these events hundreds would turn up to test new products and complete surveys. It cost the companies millions to stage these events, as paying for people to physically travel to these venues was not cheap. With the rise of the internet however, these companies can create online surveys. These surveys cost nothing to send out, and nothing for the customer to complete. Therefore the companies can afford to pay much more. By paying $25 - $45 these companies are actually saving money compared to what they used to pay. Of course now everyone I know completes online surveys for quick cash! My mom is retired and does just one or two surveys a day.
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Join-Click Hear
Good platform to earn more money join and make money writing letters. Writers may respond to letter requests or upload their own letters and earn $10 each time someone buys a letter, press release or speech. Writers also earn $5 each time a referral purchases any letter in LetterRep’s inventory. They pay by check, Western Union or PayPal within 30 days of each sale.
Join-Click Hear
Join-Click Hear
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Joine Now And Earn to Visite Web sites
5Bux: 5bux is a good way to earn money by viewing ads each ad u eanr 2 cent and each reffer you earn 2 cent.
the prossec is easy you simply click on likn and visit web site for few min each site u earn 2 cent, you did not any sillks.
payment request can be made every day and are processed thourght Paypal.
Minimum Payout is $ 5.00
Click Hear- Join
5Bux: 5bux is a good way to earn money by viewing ads each ad u eanr 2 cent and each reffer you earn 2 cent.
the prossec is easy you simply click on likn and visit web site for few min each site u earn 2 cent, you did not any sillks.
payment request can be made every day and are processed thourght Paypal.
Minimum Payout is $ 5.00
Click Hear- Join
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
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AdJungle have two types of account one is Advertiser account from where you advertise your items and second is Publisher account from where you eanr money.
a.Purchase ads On Which Site Ads You Want.
b.There Is No Charge To Servin.
c.Pay Per Click and Banners Ads
You Can Afortable Target Your Advertising Message To Your Cousomers With Our Robust Ad Serving Service.
You Can Also Browse Through Sites Using Our Servise and Choss Advertising On Those Sites Directly.Save Your Self The Trouble and Make a Buy Across a Category-Get All The Sites You Want In One Easy Buy.
So Many Sizes are Available and Populer IAB Standard Size Also Available, You Can Also Purchase PPC and Text Paid Ads With Only 5 cent Minimum Click Fee.
a.Manage Your All Ads
b.Set Your Ads And Banners
c.Earn Money From Your Site Or Blog
Manage and Sell Your Banner Inventory.Show Your Existing Banners While You Sell That Same Inventory On Your Own Tearms.
Insted Of Showing Ads From One Network Make Earn Money With Our Banner Management Servise By Showing Ads from The Networks That Pay the Best.
If You want More Earn Then Sell Our Ads At The Rate You Want, Note What The Networks Choose To Pay You.
Join-Click Hear
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Earn Money With Hitssscom its a good platform where you earn more money, Make ur free account and copy your PTP link In Your Web Site Or Blog And get paid Every click when visitor click on your link and u earn money.
1.First make Your Account,click on PTP link hear u see ur PTP link copy link in your blog.
2.You Also Have Level system In this site Make refferl and earn by 3(three) level.
3.When You Earn 2 dollor Then you click on reedeem and make your payout.
Payment From Paypal or E-gold
Join Click Hear
1.First make Your Account,click on PTP link hear u see ur PTP link copy link in your blog.
2.You Also Have Level system In this site Make refferl and earn by 3(three) level.
3.When You Earn 2 dollor Then you click on reedeem and make your payout.
Payment From Paypal or E-gold
Join Click Hear
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
1.InterServe provides publishers with the ability to generate unlimited revenue by using our unique adserving technology to deliver advertising campaigns in a wide range of media formats. Our feature packed real time solution puts publishers in total control over the advertiser campaigns you display, whilst ensuring maximum return for your advertising inventory.
Interserver Doing Hard work for you thye provaid you high paying ads that you earn more money.
2.InterServer Provides Multiples Ads Formats
120 x 60 pixels
120 x 600 pixels
125 x 125 pixels
120 x 240 pixels
234 x 60 pixels
250 x 250 pixels Banner & Pseudo-Popup
468 x 60 pixels
720 x 90 pixels
Text Ads
Psudo Popup Text Ads
3.Simpley You Paste Ads HTMl In your site where you want to show your ad, manage your ad stats from advertising campaigns.
4.Our adserving technology will display the ads on your web site and automatically calculate which advertising campaigns are providing the maximum revenue for your inventory.
5.Our advertisers pay for each click on one of their ads, and for each click that you generate, commission will be automatically credited to your account, and paid to you each month by the method of payment that you choose.
Payment Optione-Paypal, E-gold, Alertpay
Join-Click Hear
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